Eastworks: Pleasant St. "NOPE The Invisible Fountain" We don't know what it means, but it's probably cool.
We like Easthampton: Prospect St. Green, blue and red.
Mannequin: Union St. We like this boutique. 23 skidoo!
Valentine's Day display: Cottage St. We're getting some gift ideas. Some good deals here.
Eastworks buildling 2nd fl. Let's take a break. It's warm up here by the hot water heater. And the sun beams through the windows.
Dilapidated factory: Pleasant St. I climb up on the old rusty fence to get this shot. Be careful!
Union Mart: Cottage St. We think Union Mart should pick up all the trash around their store.
Steve Earle: Cottage St.
We're fairly confident. And we're somewhat hopeful.
Mural on the side of the Movie Gallery on Union St., Manhan rail trail. Movie Gallery is going out of business.
Mural: We remember getting our ankles caught in the spokes. We're glad to see advances in bike seats.
Someone left a shopping cart on High st. We should bring it back.
Extra!: Summer St.: dogs don't even like the Republican's delivery methods.
Shoe: Searle Ave.
You should comment on this, perhaps. Not that you know any of the principles.
She ought to have moved to eastern MA where Irish immigrents are treated as celebrities.
Please come to downtown Ware. We are true agony. Defeat is our best feature.