The weather forecast indicated clear skies. But we ended up sitting in the car for about 45 minutes waiting for a snow squall to pass. Although it was late in the afternoon we stuck it out.
Cold river. And it was.
Built by the CCC. Cabins are available all year. We'll come back for snowshoeing and spend the night here.
We like tent camping but this might be a little warmer in the winter months.
Lots of different trees having a meeting. The United Nations of the Mohawk trail.
Trails in the woods lead to an open meadow.
White pines are very tall. It is reported the tallest tree in Massachusetts is here someplace.
Old stone walls. There are ghosts here.
This sign was off the trail. I noticed it by accident.
Walking down to the natural trail and meadow.
Old truck from the 40s. Who doesn't love finding old cars in the woods?
sweet. we should rent a cabin this winter.