Friday, July 23, 2010

let's get lost.

here are some random things i've been doing over the past month:

1. Gardening.

2. walking.

3. running: greatest 5k loop ever.

4. making new friends.

5. more gardening.

6. anticipating.

7. wondering who would do this?

8. walking up here.

finding stuff.

1. tiger lily.
2. river rd. s hadley. i'm having a tooth extracted on thursday, actually. but not here.
3. ashley reservoir, holyoke, mass.
4. s hadley canal park.
5. bridge of flowers, shelburne falls, mass
6. mt. park
7. boys & girls club property, holyoke.
8. old ski trails, mt. park.


  1. 2. river rd. s hadley. i'm having a tooth extracted on thursday, actually. but not here.

    Do you think someone lives in that shack? Weird.

  2. i don't think anyone lives in the shack. depending on the amount of mold, i could live in it, probably.
