Friday, July 2, 2010

The Rebirth of the Park Near the Mountain

We sort of like what is happening at Mountain Park. The music isn't for us. But we'll see a show. We're thinking the Disco Biscuits might be fun.

Babcia might not recognize any of the acts on the schedule. Although a polka was named after the park, we don't see any polka bands on the agenda.

Parking lot. We hope they don't paint any white or yellow lines.

Grass is growing.

This rock didn't make the cut. "Outside of the fence for you!"

For those who can't afford the ticket prices, here is a path from the reservoir leading to the fence.

We can watch from here!

I close my eyes and can hear Happy Louie!

View from the "cheap" seats.


  1. I can't wait to sit in the mud, Woodstock style.

  2. rudy vallee megaphone at a participating retailer near you...
