The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) built wonderful stone steps along Pine Hill trail which led to the summit. This made the ascent a breeze. I love those guys.

I spoke to a kid who drove up the ski trail on an ATV. He asked me if I wanted a ride down. Although it might have been fun, I politely declined.

View into New Hampshire. I haven’t been to Mt. Monadnock in quite some time. Glad to see it’s still there.

Looking east. The Boston skyline faintly in the distance.

Place to sit and enjoy the view. Looking northeast towards Fitchburg. I snacked on some almonds here.

The visitor’s center had a fire going. It was peaceful to sit and reflect on a nice walk. On the drive home I stopped and bought a mixed 12 pack of Wachusett beer. Thumbs up on the hike. Thumbs down on the beer.