Signs of Amherst
You would think that a wealthy community like Amherst (sometimes called The
Academic Longmeadow) would have a less tattered welcoming sign.
Startup Days with Dad
The origin of Mt. Tom's can be traced back to a seemingly casual and
insignificant conversation I had with my Dad over pancakes a little more
than two ...
Find my latest updates at
If it has seemed quiet on this blog since last June, well, that’s my
mistake — I migrated to a full website at last year and,
in the mids...
United States Post Office, Lee, MA - c1910
United States Post Office, Lee, MA, c1910
Settled in 1760 and incorporated in 1777, the town of Lee is one of the
gems of the Berkshire hills.
In 1910,...
Paramount aka Hippodrome nee Paramount
Having recently joined the Quaboag Hills Photography Club I was privy to a
photowalk they arranged at the old Paramount Theater, or Hippodrome as it
was ...
12 years ago
Off The Shelf: The Finest Hours by Michael J. Tougias and Casey Sherman
From Booklist: In a 1952 nor’easter, the distress of two ships off Cape Cod initiated a dramatic Coast Guard operation recounted here by coauthors Tougias and Sherman. Both vessels were World War II surplus, cheaply built, unwisely kept in service, and broken in two by the storm. All four halves floated, for the moment, and the authors’ narrative accordingly tracks four separate search-and-rescue efforts that form the complete story. The most prominent, in the press at the time and in official honors conferred afterward, concerned one motorized lifeboat, a puny 36 feet long and manned by four men, dispatched to do battle with the maelstrom’s towering waves. This is the seascape of The Perfect Storm, and the authors do justice to the peril in a tight account of the action. Plotting the course of CG36500, the utilitarian name of the lifeboat captained by Bernie Webber (interviewed for this book), Tougias and Sherman reach their peak of tension in the sink-or-swim moments when mariners abandoned ship and chanced their lives on their rescuers’ skill and bravery. An excellent entry in the disaster-at-sea genre. --Gilbert Taylor
Our focus is on Western Massachusetts. Our postings are mostly of common images that folks might come across in their everyday journeys. Wall graffiti, lampposts, ticket booths, street scenes, wildlife, forests and discarded objects are regular themes.
We started blogging with a focus on the history of our families and how the places they have lived evolved over time. We are most interested in how the past and present collide and launching the reader into a place where memories of prior experiences and places mingle with their everyday lives.
-- Bob Genest
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